Episodes by Release Date


A Place to Truly Give Ourselves Away: Rev. Troy Bronsink

A Place to Truly Give Ourselves Away: Rev. Troy Bronsink

Though he is an ordained Presbyterian pastor, you won't find Troy Bronsink leading a congregation in a traditional church. For the past fifteen years, he has helped build communities where people can create, relate, and contemplate.

His most recent venture is The Hive. He describes it as a "contemplative space is where meditative practice meets mindful everyday living." Bronsink and his colleagues offer retreats, events, classes, and one-on-one spiritual direction in the Cincinnati area. 

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In addition to being the founding director of The Hive, Bronsink is an accomplished musician and author. His most recnt book is Drawn In: A Creative Process for Artists, Activists, and Jesus Followers.

He also is a retereat leader, and has developed a series of workshops called "Life As Art." 

The Liturgical Archipelago: Jonathan Meiburg

The Liturgical Archipelago: Jonathan Meiburg

Exploring the Meaning of Peace: John Noltner

Exploring the Meaning of Peace: John Noltner