Episodes by Release Date


The Green Good News: T. Wilson Dickinson

The Green Good News: T. Wilson Dickinson

The Green Good News finds a fresh take on the Gospels, painting a picture of Jesus as a humorous and subversive teacher, an organizer of alternative communities and food economies, as a healer of bodies and relationships, and as a prophet who sought to overturn an empire and restore a more just and joyful way of life. Christ teaches and incarnates a vision for sustainable life and provides practices that mark the path toward it. By exploring this always-inspiring sustainable gospel, we can find ways to transform our lives, communities, and even creation.

T. Wilson Dickinson is a writer, teacher, and minister who lives in his hometown in Central Kentucky. He is director of the Green Good News, an organization that is rooted in a number of food justice ministries and which educates, cultivates, and organizes Christian communities to follow the ways of justice, joy, and simplicity. He also teaches theology and is the Director of the Doctor of Ministry and Continuing Education Programs at Lexington Theological Seminary.

He is author of Exercises in New Creation from Paul to Kierkegaard, and The Green Good News: Christ’s Path to Sustainable and Joyful Life. He holds a PhD from Syracuse University, an MDiv from Vanderbilt Divinity School, and is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Empires of Sand: Vince Beiser

Empires of Sand: Vince Beiser

The Complex History of AIDS and the Catholic Church: Michael O'Loughlin

The Complex History of AIDS and the Catholic Church: Michael O'Loughlin