Episodes by Release Date


Proximity, Curiosity, and Humility: Michael T. McRay

Proximity, Curiosity, and Humility: Michael T. McRay

Michael McRay knows the power of stories. In his book, I Am Not your Enemy: Stories to Transform a Divided World, he draws on his travels to some of the most violent areas of the world to offer stories of hope and transformation in the pursuit of justice.

McRay visits divided regions of the world and interviews activists, peacebuilders, former combatants about their personal stories of conflict, justice, and reconciliation. In Israel and Palestine, Northern Ireland, and South Africa, he hears from grieving parents who partner together across enemy lines, a woman who meets her father’s killer, and a man who uses theater to counter the oppression of his people, and many more.

Michael T. McRay is a writer, facilitator, and story-practitioner living in Nashville, Tennessee. He's the author of multiple books, including  Where the River Bends, Letters from Apartheid Street, and Keep Watch With Me. Michael works often with the global story nonprofit Narrative 4, and he hosts Tenx9 Nashville Storytelling. He holds a graduate degree in conflict resolution and reconciliation from Trinity College Dublin  at Belfast. He leads narrative retreats and speaks on story, conflict, reconciliation, and forgiveness. 

The Inevitable Goodness of Growth: Colby Martin

The Inevitable Goodness of Growth: Colby Martin

Bringing Our Whole Selves to Worship: Kaitlin B. Curtice

Bringing Our Whole Selves to Worship: Kaitlin B. Curtice