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The Promise of Prophetic Pragmatism: Brad Elliott Stone and Jacob Goodson

The Promise of Prophetic Pragmatism: Brad Elliott Stone and Jacob Goodson

Our guests, philosopher Brad Elliott Stone and Jacob Goodson, make the claim that pragmatism is a uniquely American form of philosophy, tied up in the democratic experiment that was part of our nation’s founding fabric.

They also find a powerful expression of this philosophy in the writings of Cornel West, who offers a faith-informed “prophetic pragmatism.”

In their recent book, Introducing Prophetic Pragmatism, Stone and Goodson engage in a dialogue, chapter by chapter, that looks at the development of West’s thought, itself in conversation with other thinkers such as Richard Rorty and Peter Ochs.

This was a far-ranging interview, that brings political theory, philosophy, and blues music within its scope. We are glad to be able to share it with our listeners.

Jacob L. Goodson is associate professor of philosophy at Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas.
Brad Elliott Stone is professor of philosophy at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

Keepsakes Lasting Beyond Any Hunger: Thomas Frank

Keepsakes Lasting Beyond Any Hunger: Thomas Frank

Riding at the Edge of the Herd: Joanna Brooks

Riding at the Edge of the Herd: Joanna Brooks