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An Invitation to Joy: Daniel J. Denk

An Invitation to Joy: Daniel J. Denk

Our guest Daniel J. Denk invites us on a journey to explore the shape and possibility of human flourishing, as he discusses his recent book, An Invitation to Joy.

In a world full of suffering, the declaration that God wants us to be joyful can sound tone-deaf at best or hypocritical at worst.

In An Invitation to Joy, Daniel J. Denk invites readers to cast off hopelessness and rediscover joy. Yet, as Denk reminds us, "we don't find joy by pursuing joy; we find it by pursuing something else," namely, the kingdom of God. This joy is not naive optimism but a profound sense of purpose and peace.

Daniel J. Denk is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America. Dan has directed ministry with university students in the United States as well as nineteen countries in Eastern Europe, and he has ministered in forty-five countries around the world. He also served as theological director with InterVarsity.

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