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Congregations and Health: Teresa Cutts and Bobby Baker

The Christian tradition has long had an interest in the care of the sick and the suffering, starting with the actions of Christ himself, reported in the Gospels as a series of miraculous healings. Through the subsequent two millennia, Christians have established hospitals and engaged in mission work for the poor and the sick. 

Here in Memphis, Tennessee, one example of this Christian mission in action involves a program of the Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare System called the Congregational Health Network. Begun in 2006, the Congregational Health Network now partners with over 500 faith communities in order to improve the patient journey through the healthcare system and to help build healthier communities.

Dr. Teresa Cutts is Director of Research for Innovation at the Center of Excellence in Faith and Health at Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare here in Memphis, and the Reverend Bobby Baker is Director of the Congregational Health Network for Methodist LeBonheur Health Care.

Also on the Show

Our senior producer, Katy Scrogin, reviews At Liberty to Die: The Battle for Death with Dignity in America by Howard Ball.

Christians and the Bomb: Tyler Wigg-Stevenson

Christians and the Bomb: Tyler Wigg-Stevenson

Mormonism and America: Dr. Norm Tolk and Jared Halverson