Things Not Seen is a radio show and podcast about lived faith.
Things Not Seen is a radio show and podcast about lived faith.
Host and Executive Producer
David got his start in journalism when he was sixteen years old, writing articles for his hometown newspaper. He's been asking folks questions ever since.
David has a PhD in religion from Vanderbilt, and a masters degree from Columbia Theological Seminary. When he began Things Not Seen, he was teaching in the religion department of a liberal arts college in Memphis. He moved to Chicago with his family in 2013, and spent five years as the executive director of a nonprofit company producing faith-focused media for television, radio, and the web.
He is currently a Visiting Scholar for theology and media at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago.
He produces the show from studios in the Hyde Park neighborhood, on Chicago's south side, where he lives with his family.
Senior Producer - Religion Moments, Book and Music Reviews
Katy Scrogin's interest in media has led her to volunteer with Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic in Austin, Texas, and with The Peoples Channel in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. In addition to having worked as a translator, editor, and writer, she holds a Ph.D. in Religion from Claremont Graduate University and a Master of Theological Studies from Vanderbilt University. She lives in Chicago.
For the past four years, Katy has produced our daily Religion Moments podcasts. You can listen to all of them here.
Contributing Producers include