Episodes by Release Date


How to Live in a World We Don't Control: Stanley Hauerwas [Rebroadcast]

How to Live in a World We Don't Control: Stanley Hauerwas [Rebroadcast]

A decade and a half ago, theologian and ethicist Stanley Hauerwas was invited to become a godparent to a young child name Laurence "Laurie" Wells. With that overture, he began a project of writing a letter a year, on the anniversary of Laurie's baptism. 

Each letter deals with a different virtue, taking them in turn as Hauerwas imagined they would apply to the development stages of Laurie's growing body and consciousness. His hope was that Laurie would have these to reflect upon as he matured and as he navigated adulthood.

Now these letters have been collected and made available to readers everywhere, in the book The Character of Virtue: Letters to a Godson. We discuss them on this week's show.

You can hear our extended interview with Stanley Hauerwas (commercial free!), as well as other bonus audio, when you support us with a monthly Patreon donation. Thank you! 

STANLEY HAUERWAS is Gilbert T. Rowe Professor Emeritus of Divinity and Law at Duke University. In 2001, he was invited to deliver the prestigious Gifford Lectures in theology. That same year, Time Magazine named him "America's Best Theologian."

Note: In the conversation, Hauerwas mentions L. Gregory Jones's book Embodying ForgivenessYou can follow this link to find out more about the book.

Crashing thunder, gentle neighbors: Rick Lee James [Rebroadcast]

Crashing thunder, gentle neighbors: Rick Lee James [Rebroadcast]

Heart Work is Hard Work: Soraya Deen

Heart Work is Hard Work: Soraya Deen