Evangelicals and the Trump presidency: John Fea LIVE
On September 24, 2018, the Seminary Co-op Bookstore in Chicago’s Hyde Park hosted a live taping of Things Not Seen.
Host David Dault interviewed historian John Fea in front of a live audience about his new book, Believe Me: The Evangelical Road to Donald Trump.
In Believe Me, John Fea argues that the embrace of Donald Trump is the logical outcome of a long-standing evangelical approach to public life defined by the politics of fear, the pursuit of worldly power, and a nostalgic longing for an American past.
Host David Dault interviewing John Fea. Photo by Emily McFarlane Miller, Religion News Service
The event was written about by Emily McFarlane Miller in an article for the Religion News Service.
John Fea is professor of American history at Messiah College in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. His previous books include Was America Founded as a Christian Nation? A Historical Introduction, The Bible Cause, and he blogs regularly at The Way of Improvement Leads Home.
The Seminary Co-op Bookstore is widely regarded as one of the best academic bookstores in the world. The Co-op houses an extensive collection of scholarly titles with a focus on the humanities and social sciences.