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Hope in Our Bodies: Maryann McKibben Dana

Hope in Our Bodies: Maryann McKibben Dana

One thing is certain: real hope demands that we do something with it. That we live it out. That we use hope to participate in a bigger story playing out behind the bleak world we see on the news or in our social media feeds every day.

Our guest, Maryann McKibben Dana, returns to our show to talk about her recent book, Hope: A User’s Manual. After exploring what hope isn't and then what it is, MaryAnn McKibben Dana reflects on the surprising place where hope is often found--in the messiness of our imperfect, flawed, beautiful human bodies. In the second half of the book, she talks about making hope real: sharing hope through stories, cultivating hope through simple practices, and nurturing hope in hopeless times--when only real hope can persevere.

MaryAnn McKibben Dana is a writer, pastor, speaker, and ministry coach living in Virginia. She is the author of God, Improv, and the Art of Living and?Sabbath in the Suburbs.

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Receiving the Gift of Our Mortality: James K. A. Smith

Receiving the Gift of Our Mortality: James K. A. Smith

Notes of a Native Daughter: Keri Day [Rebroadcast]

Notes of a Native Daughter: Keri Day [Rebroadcast]