Extravagant Inefficiency: Adam Bucko — THINGS NOT SEEN

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Extravagant Inefficiency: Adam Bucko

Extravagant Inefficiency: Adam Bucko

Written against the backdrop of the COVID 19 pandemic and America's reckoning with growing poverty, injustice and systemic racism, Let Your Heartbreak Be Your Guide is uniquely positioned to accompany readers through the disillusionment and violence of these times. Father Adam Bucko writes from the heart, offering practical guidance on how to adopt an "engaged contemplation," a lived spirituality responsive to suffering and injustice.

The book is divided into three parts: Listening to Life, Touching What Frightens Us, and Interrupting Silence. Each chapter offers readers an invitation to pay attention to God who is eager to accompany us through our challenges and hopes.

Father Adam Bucko has been a committed voice in the movement for the renewal of Christian Contemplative Spirituality and the growing New Monastic movement. He has taught engaged contemplative spirituality in Europe and the United States and has authored Let Your Heartbreak be Your Guide: Lessons in Engaged Contemplation, and co-authored Occupy Spirituality: A Radical Vision for a New Generation (with Matthew Fox), and The New Monasticism: An Interspiritual Manifesto for Contemplative Living (with Rory McEntee). His work has been has been featured by ABC News, CBS, NBC, Harper's Magazine, New York Daily News, and Sojourner Magazine and he currently serves as a director of the Center for Spiritual Imagination (spiritualimagination.org) and the Cathedral of the Incarnation serving Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island in New York.

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