Episodes by Release Date


What Is the Goal of Human Flourishing?: Chanequa Walker-Barnes

What Is the Goal of Human Flourishing?: Chanequa Walker-Barnes

We are joined by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes to discuss their recent book, Sacred Self-Care: Daily Practices for Nurturing Our Whole Selves.

Taking care of ourselves is essential, and lately, we've started to pay more attention to the ways our physical bodies need and deserve nourishment. But we are not just bodies, we sacred beings, and our souls need just as much care and attention to be healthy.

As a clinical psychologist, pastor, and activist, Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes has studied and worked with clients, clergy, seminary faculty, faith-based activists, and others to encourage them to think of self-care as both a divine right and a sacred obligation. She has developed a seven-week guide gathering activities, habits, disciplines, and practices that promote spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, and relational wholeness.

Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes is a clinical psychologist, womanist theologian, and ecumenical minister. She is the author of I Bring the Voices of My People: A Womanist Vision for Racial Reconciliation and Too Heavy a Yoke: Black Women and the Burden of Strength. She teaches at Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta.

Revisiting Weird Religion: Leah Payne and Brian Doak

Revisiting Weird Religion: Leah Payne and Brian Doak

Drawing Lines of Inclusion, Not Exclusion: David Hayward [Rebroadcast]

Drawing Lines of Inclusion, Not Exclusion: David Hayward [Rebroadcast]